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Mahdi Sasar's Personal Homepage

I am Mahdi Sasar and welcome to my website. I have a PhD in solid state physics, with deep interest in the theory and the experimental side of this discipline.

This page contains a bio, my past and present research in physics and blog posts explaining different scientific ideas.

Despite the fact that a personal website is supposed to give an overview of one's professional capabilities (i.e. a verbose version of a CV), an important feature of this personal website will be, I hope, the scientific blogging aspect of it. I like trying to explain difficult concepts in physics using analogies and simpler underlying concepts. Such explanations benefit both the explainer and the explainee(!) by placing the concept on firm foundations.

This website is currently under construction. The rest is to follow (hopefully) very quickly.

As the website is developing, please enjoy a random collage of some of my past projects below!

Collage from my various projects

Profile Picture